DOnorsChoose FAQ's

What size project is likely to get funded?
Projects around $450 or less tend to get funded more than ones that are higher. There are often special match campaigns including  Allstate, Tony the Tiger, and more, however, often projects that are larger than $750, even with a special match, do not get fully funded.  The best strategy is to keep all projects below $500 and special match projects around $750.
When will my project get funded?
There are no guarantees all projects get funded. Each project will be “live” for 6 months then after that will be removed by DonorsChoose.
Does EPS Foundation determine or manage DonorsChoose projects?
No, we don't determine who's projects get funded, nor do we manage projects. Our role is to find donors and look for special campaigns that will help fund projects that meet the goal of the donor or campaign. Here is the DonorsChoose help page for questions you may have regarding your project.
You can also start a ticket here.
Who can submit projects?
You need to be a certified educator  to submit a project. This includes speech pathologists, counselors, and other certified educators.  If you are an administrator or with the district, you can find helpful information here.
What is the Kickstarter Campaign and when does it begin?
EPS Foundation works with DonorsChoose to incorporate their automated kickstarter grant model. Starting on August 8, 2024, each educator that starts a project will receive a $100 that will go towards their first project they submit for the year. 
Can I get Teachers Pay Teachers or gift cards on DonorsChoose?
No, per EPS policy and procedure, Teachers Pay Teachers projects or gift cards are not included.  Please make sure your principal is approving your project and you have utilized the Edmond Public Schools KissFlow software (or any other software that becomes required by the District) to get your project approved.  The EPS Foundation does not approve projects, only sends funding to DonorsChoose to fund according to set criteria.
Do items remain at my school if I change schools?
Yes.  All items remain at the school where you were when you requested the items.
Can I share my project with my classroom parents/guardians?
Yes!  You can share your project.  You can also share your page directly to help get it funded. At the top of the DonorsChoose page, supporters can "find a classroom to support" by entering your name after clicking the button.  Sharing your project yourself is the easiest way to get your project out there. If you share on social media, be sure to tag us @edmondpsf (Facebook, Instagram and Twitter) and we will share your project on our page!
Can virtual Edmond teachers create a project?
Absolutely!  All certified educators can create a project.  Front-line educators and other faculty can include (but aren't limited to): classroom teachers, subject-area teachers, librarians, therapists, counselors, school nurses, etc.  Principals and administrators are not eligible.  Read more HERE
Can I have more than one project?
DonorsChoose will allow more than one project, but the $100 EPSF kickstarter will apply only to the first project during the campaign.  
My project was fully funded before the EPSF $100 kickstarter was applied.  How do I get the EPSF $100 kickstarter for my classroom?
Create a new project to be qualified for the $100 EPSF kickstarter.  If you have not received your $100 kickstarter for Back to School, it will be applied.
My project is not showing up.
Your project will only show up once it is out of the Friends & Family stage and if it wasn't fully funded before the $100 EPSF kickstarter was applied. There is also a 24-48 hour period after creating your project that DonorsChoose uses to verify your project.
The item I want is not on the DonorsChoose vendor list:
We encourage you to find what you need on DonorsChoose but if you can’t you can contact DonorsChoose for help.
Here's an email template you're welcome to share with teachers who need to submit a Special Request Materials Project:

Hi DonorsChoose team,

I am an Edmond Public Schools certified teacher and need to submit a special request materials project. I need [ enter description of ] resources for my students. Please let me know what additional steps I need to take to successfully submit my special request materials project. Thanks so much for your help!
What about the fees charged by DonorsChoose?
This is a great question and one we also had. After completing the pilot project, we see the benefit that DonorsChoose provides to Edmond Public Schools.  They have a reach much further than we do and helped us procure funding for Edmond classrooms from 48 states!  They also have large funders who are dedicated to the platform and give to classrooms directly through them (Sonic, The Gates Foundation, Dick's Sporting Goods, The Loft, Tony the name a few).  DonorsChoose also has sophisticated software that pushes projects of interest to anyone who has donated to a similar project before, no matter where they are in the United States.  Finally, they provide detailed reporting and impact data that we do not have the capacity to collect on our own. For the 23-24 school year 906 projects were funded putting over $630,000 into classrooms.
How can I start my DonorsChoose project?
DonorsChoose Start a Project. Ask your DonorsChoose Advocates in your school. They will be there to answer questions for teachers starting a DonorsChoose project.