FAQ's for Edmond Public Schools

Q:  How do I request funding from the Edmond Public Schools Foundation?
A:  Certified educators can request funding for their classroom by utilizing DonorsChoose.  Learn more about starting a project to receive your $100 kickstart.  All other funding is allocated through strategic planning and focuses on five programs including:  Classroom Support (DonorsChoose), Student Ambassadors, Awards & Scholarships, Community Mobilization, and Innovative Programs (currently the Early College Program).  Learn more about our programs.
Q: I already donate through payroll deduction or recurring donation online.  How do I get my shirt?
A:  First, thank you!  We do need to know how to find you and what size you want this year, so be sure to fill out the 2023 form so we can get you your shirt.  
Q: How do I request the Student Ambassadors or other volunteers for our school or site?
A:  Aren't they fantastic?!   On our most recent strategic plan survey, 86.6% of you responded that the Student Ambassador program was the #1 program where we should be spending our time.  We are excited to grow this program to formalize how they can volunteer in the district.  While we build systems to ensure you, and they, have an amazing volunteer experience, Student Ambassadors are volunteering for EPSF events that support the district including the EDIEE Awards.  They will also be volunteering for events  they have previously participated in such as Trunk or Treat and board meeting receptions where there is special recognition.   Those who requested volunteers for this school year before the deadline of August 1, 2023 had their volunteer opportunities provided at the annual Student Ambassador orientation in August and are on the volunteer sign-up for this year.   
Q: How do I set up a fund in memory of someone or for a specific purpose?
A:  We are happy to assist you with this.  All funds that are established  for a specific purpose follow specific guidelines and policies and require a minimum investment of $20,000 that is held at the Oklahoma City Community Foundation.  Gifts in memory or in honor of someone are accepted in any amount , but will not be considered a permanent fund.  For more information, contact [email protected] or read more on our Legacy page.